WBC Community Survey 2022
Wormit Boating Club & Watersports Hub (SCIO) is an incorporated charity based at Woodhaven in Wormit.
We have recently been granted charitable status and have great ambitions. We are keen to engage with the local community to gather views on how our facilities and
activities can make things better for all of us.
This survey should take around 5 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
Those completing the survey will be eligible for entry in to a prize draw. There are four x £25 vouchers from a mix of
local shops and Amazon to be won.
If you wish to be entered in to the draw you will be asked to provide an email address for contact purposes.
Please click on this link
https://www.surveylegend.com/survey/-NGD2eYkGpoDnGPg76DU or scan the QR code below