Launch of new St Ayles Skiff, Tatha
Saturday 18th March was our first club members' social day in 2023. It was also the day we launched our new skiff, Tatha. Purchased from a school in Edinburgh where it had been built by the school children, it was remodelled slightly and re-painted in our club colours.
Expertly named on the day by Sandra Charles with a small nip of whisky, then launched to join Flying Boat, already in the water. This is the third skiff in our fleet, the others being Catalina launched on 2013 followed by The Flying Boat in 2014.
The day went well, and the sun came out, with lots of food including burgers (from the local butcher) and expertly cooked by David and Lesley Balfour, home made pizzas, expertly made by Donald Coutts, and home baking and hot soup in the galley which was up to the usual high WBC standard we have come to know and love.
Bill Nelson was there helping members get out safely in the club kayaks, and is offering one to one lessons for anyone who is interested to learn more.
We hope to have social days every few weeks where members can come down and try sailing, rowing, kayaking and swimming.