Monday Social rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

A chance to row and socialise with other members. Event dependent on cox availability & suitable weather conditions

Excursion Row

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Downriver excursion. Event is dependent on cox availability and suitable weather. (members should sign up for this event on Spond)

Fife Cup @ Lochore Meadows

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Skiff and Skur rowing event at Lochore Meadows to compete for the Fife Cup

Midweek Training Row

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Regatta training for rowing members interested in competitive events. (Event dependent on cox availability  & suitable weather)

Rowing Improvers Session

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Open to all members  (but especially inexperienced rowers) who would like to improve their rowing technique. Session run by very experienced rowers Helen Pryde and
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Knitwits meeting in WBC clubhouse

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Knitwits hold their weekly meeting in the WBC clubhouse. Come along and join in. Ideal for beginners or expert knitters.

Skur Boat rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Club members out in Skur Boat

Sailing – Evening 6

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

OOD - Karen Karran Safety Boat - John Karran

Social rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

A chance to row and socialise with other members. Event dependent on cox availability & suitable weather conditions

Training Row

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Training for rowing members interested in competitive events. (Event dependent on cox availability  & suitable weather)

Improvers session – rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Rowing session for those looking to improve their rowing technique. Event dependent on cox availability and suitable weather conditions

Sailing – Autumn 6

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

OOD Fraser Mulford Safety Boat - Dave Webley

Sailing – Autumn 7

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

OOD - Karen Karran Rescue Boat - John Karran

Evening Social rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

A chance to row and socialise with other members. Event dependent on cox availability and suitable weather conditions

Evening Social rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Social rowing for members The event is dependent on cox availability and weather conditions

Monthly Slipway Clean

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

The slipway needs to be regularly cleaned and maintained for the safety of members. Please clear your diaries and come down to help scrub and
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Social rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

A chance to row and socialise with other members. Event dependent on cox availability & suitable weather conditions.

Social Rowing

WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Regatta training for rowing members interested in competitive events. (Event dependent on cox availability  & suitable weather)


WBC Wormit, United Kingdom

Annual AGM in the clubhouse followed by drinks and nibbles