Annual Perth to Wormit Row

The annual Perth - Wormit row took place yesterday (Saturday 9th April). As we had been unable to hold this event since 2019 it was encouraging to have participants from Perth Sailing Club, Kinghorn, Broughty, Dundee Sailing Club, Newburgh, St Andrews, and St Ayles, Anstruther.

The day started off with all clubs gathering at Perth Sailing Club ready to launch around 9.30am and with a westerly wind, conditions were perfect for the 7 mile row downriver to Newburgh for the next crew change.

All change at Newburgh for a 9 mile row to Balmerino in a strengthening NW wind which had really picked up by the time we reached Balmerino for the next crew change, meaning landing at Balmerino was quite challenging. All boats managed to change over with help from the shore party, and set off for Wormit where they safely landed at 1.45pm.

Superb soup, sandwiches, cakes and teas and coffees were provided by the catering team at Wormit keeping up the standard of catering we are well known for in Scottish Coastal rowing circles.